Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Beginning.

Beginnings come from all kinds of places.  This beginning comes from an end, a pseudo-end.  Coming up soon will be my sabbatical from teaching yoga in Bozeman.  I feel at first sad, then scared, then okay.  Sad because of the wonder, experience, excitement that I am putting on a shelf.  Scared for my practice, my body, my mind.  I hope they won't go mad, loopy, off the deep end.  Then, okay because I know deep inside, all the way into my Anandamaya kosha, my tiny mustard seed of bliss, hope, love, compassion, and self that everything WILL BE OKAY.  I am flowing.  Life is changing.  And, this... , this is yoga.

I begin this "blog", this recounting of the ramblings of my mind, to stay connected somehow.  I am not techie or savvy.  But, somehow I see this thing as energetic.  I am putting words from my mind, my thoughts, my inner workings into "space" by way of metal... copper wires, plugs, cords.  Energetically, by way of electricity, my words are moving from me and out into the world.  Maybe they will connect.  Maybe they will find eyes to read them.  And, maybe, just maybe that will be beneficial.  I truly believe in the spreading of awareness by way of one's sphere of influence.  I want to have a positive effect on my sphere of influence.  Teaching yoga was/is/were/it... one way of trying to accomplish this.  Now, this.  A beginning of stories, ramblings, life, yoga, chaos, the present.    

Let's see how it goes.

"Yeah, baby, its all about love.  You know what I'm talking about."

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